Meg's Makeup-Tips, make up & more

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I've been pretty lazy these past few months. I'm just taking everything in. Whats so wrong with taking some time to enjoy the accomplishments in my life. I graduated in May, Sianara Bklyn College. Konnichiwa real world. Everybody is asking what do you want to do next? Have you been looking for a new job? And as messed up as it is I haven't really started. I'm in a dangerous place now. I'm just do damn comfortable. Everything is good. Good not great and I'm lazy. For the first time today I realized that I'm scared of success. It sounds stupid right? I think so. But I'm scared of change and what new things will bring, the good and the bad. I haven't been able to make the first step. It's funny. I feel positive like everything will work out for me eventually but I haven't made the first move. My passion is writing. So I should be writing everyday. I don't. I want to be a food critique and I'm not sure how to do that. There's no school for that. Just classes. Very expensive classes that meet once a week. I'm getting there. Slowly but surely.

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I've been pretty lazy these past few months. I'm just taking everything in. Whats so wrong with taking some time to enjoy the accomplishments in my life. I graduated in May, Sianara Bklyn College. Konnichiwa real world. Everybody is asking what do you want to do next? Have you been looking for a new job? And as messed up as it is I haven't really started. I'm in a dangerous place now. I'm just do damn comfortable. Everything is good. Good not great and I'm lazy. For the first time today I realized that I'm scared of success. It sounds stupid right? I think so. But I'm scared of change and what new things will bring, the good and the bad. I haven't been able to make the first step. It's funny. I feel positive like everything will work out for me eventually but I haven't made the first move. My passion is writing. So I should be writing everyday. I don't. I want to be a food critique and I'm not sure how to do that. There's no school for that. Just classes. Very expensive classes that meet once a week. I'm getting there. Slowly but surely.