Meg's Makeup-Tips, make up & more

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Interesting Fact : Zodiac

I just found out I was born in the year the Cougar..LOL.. I mean Tiger. Supposedly this describes me. According to Wikipedia I'm a fire Tiger.

Tiger (Yang, 3rd Trine, Fixed Element Wood): Unpredictable, rebellious, colorful, powerful, passionate, daring, impulsive, vigorous, stimulating, sincere, affectionate, humanitarian, generous. Can be restless, reckless, impatient, quick-tempered, obstinate, selfish, aggressive, unpredictable.

I got this from another site. The search continues......

Tiger people are sensitive, given to deep thinking, capable of great sympathy. They can be extremely short-tempered, however. Other people have great respect for them, but sometimes tiger people come into conflict with older people or those in authority. sometimes Tiger people cannot make up their minds, which can result in a poor, hasty decision or a sound decision arrived at too late. They are suspicious of others, but they are courageous and powerful. Tigers are most compatible with Horses, Dragons, and Dogs.

Friends, family, strangers. What do you think? Whats your zodiac year?

Interracial Dilemma

Color...Blind (8-18-09)

Black and white
Sometimes Gray
Hate in words
Come my way
White in flesh
Brown in Skin
Internal love
Springs within

Outward appearances

Seems like I have a lot going on. Doesn't it? I am a black woman. I am 50% of an interracial relationship. Why does that bother you? It doesn't bother me in the least. Over the weekend I was disgusted at things that occurred. Black men should be uplifting black women not putting them down. Why are people so ignorant? My life is mine to live. How about you stop worrying about me and find some happiness of your own. If your not ignorant then this doesn't apply to you. For all the haters. You push me so that I better myself, mentally and physically, little by little each day. Thank you.

Psychic Encounter

I remember walking one day and this psychic asked me if I wanted a reading. I said no. I was talking on the phone I think. I was crossing the street and she decided to 'read' me anyway. She told me even though I smile like everything is okay that I was covering up something inside. Something she said about me not being happy. All I could do was say I'm happy with a smile. I felt kind of weird saying it because it was like I was saying it more for myself then for her. Then I was angry. I felt offended like who the hell are you to tell me I'm not happy. Then I started going through the things in life that made me happy. I had a job. I had friends. I was in my last semester at school and I was feeling good. But maybe she was a little right. Maybe there was something I was hiding inside and even though I didn't want to believe what she said it was true. I don't consider myself an overly religious person but I consider myself a spiritual person and I believe in God. I also believe in the supernatural ,things that are unexplained by reason or science. I'm not saying I believe in every corner side psychic but some people can sense things. I mean humans have instincts and feelings. But looking back now I think the psychic was right, just a little. There was something inside that I was covering up with a smile. I think sometimes events happen in our life that make us stronger. My close friends know what I'm talking about. One friend found out after a drunken tearful night of white wine overdose. LOL. That wine is no joke, seriously. But life constantly changes and eventually good things happen to good people. Good things have been happening to me.


I've been pretty lazy these past few months. I'm just taking everything in. Whats so wrong with taking some time to enjoy the accomplishments in my life. I graduated in May, Sianara Bklyn College. Konnichiwa real world. Everybody is asking what do you want to do next? Have you been looking for a new job? And as messed up as it is I haven't really started. I'm in a dangerous place now. I'm just do damn comfortable. Everything is good. Good not great and I'm lazy. For the first time today I realized that I'm scared of success. It sounds stupid right? I think so. But I'm scared of change and what new things will bring, the good and the bad. I haven't been able to make the first step. It's funny. I feel positive like everything will work out for me eventually but I haven't made the first move. My passion is writing. So I should be writing everyday. I don't. I want to be a food critique and I'm not sure how to do that. There's no school for that. Just classes. Very expensive classes that meet once a week. I'm getting there. Slowly but surely.


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Interesting Fact : Zodiac

I just found out I was born in the year the Cougar..LOL.. I mean Tiger. Supposedly this describes me. According to Wikipedia I'm a fire Tiger.

Tiger (Yang, 3rd Trine, Fixed Element Wood): Unpredictable, rebellious, colorful, powerful, passionate, daring, impulsive, vigorous, stimulating, sincere, affectionate, humanitarian, generous. Can be restless, reckless, impatient, quick-tempered, obstinate, selfish, aggressive, unpredictable.

I got this from another site. The search continues......

Tiger people are sensitive, given to deep thinking, capable of great sympathy. They can be extremely short-tempered, however. Other people have great respect for them, but sometimes tiger people come into conflict with older people or those in authority. sometimes Tiger people cannot make up their minds, which can result in a poor, hasty decision or a sound decision arrived at too late. They are suspicious of others, but they are courageous and powerful. Tigers are most compatible with Horses, Dragons, and Dogs.

Friends, family, strangers. What do you think? Whats your zodiac year?

Interracial Dilemma

Color...Blind (8-18-09)

Black and white
Sometimes Gray
Hate in words
Come my way
White in flesh
Brown in Skin
Internal love
Springs within

Outward appearances

Seems like I have a lot going on. Doesn't it? I am a black woman. I am 50% of an interracial relationship. Why does that bother you? It doesn't bother me in the least. Over the weekend I was disgusted at things that occurred. Black men should be uplifting black women not putting them down. Why are people so ignorant? My life is mine to live. How about you stop worrying about me and find some happiness of your own. If your not ignorant then this doesn't apply to you. For all the haters. You push me so that I better myself, mentally and physically, little by little each day. Thank you.

Psychic Encounter

I remember walking one day and this psychic asked me if I wanted a reading. I said no. I was talking on the phone I think. I was crossing the street and she decided to 'read' me anyway. She told me even though I smile like everything is okay that I was covering up something inside. Something she said about me not being happy. All I could do was say I'm happy with a smile. I felt kind of weird saying it because it was like I was saying it more for myself then for her. Then I was angry. I felt offended like who the hell are you to tell me I'm not happy. Then I started going through the things in life that made me happy. I had a job. I had friends. I was in my last semester at school and I was feeling good. But maybe she was a little right. Maybe there was something I was hiding inside and even though I didn't want to believe what she said it was true. I don't consider myself an overly religious person but I consider myself a spiritual person and I believe in God. I also believe in the supernatural ,things that are unexplained by reason or science. I'm not saying I believe in every corner side psychic but some people can sense things. I mean humans have instincts and feelings. But looking back now I think the psychic was right, just a little. There was something inside that I was covering up with a smile. I think sometimes events happen in our life that make us stronger. My close friends know what I'm talking about. One friend found out after a drunken tearful night of white wine overdose. LOL. That wine is no joke, seriously. But life constantly changes and eventually good things happen to good people. Good things have been happening to me.


I've been pretty lazy these past few months. I'm just taking everything in. Whats so wrong with taking some time to enjoy the accomplishments in my life. I graduated in May, Sianara Bklyn College. Konnichiwa real world. Everybody is asking what do you want to do next? Have you been looking for a new job? And as messed up as it is I haven't really started. I'm in a dangerous place now. I'm just do damn comfortable. Everything is good. Good not great and I'm lazy. For the first time today I realized that I'm scared of success. It sounds stupid right? I think so. But I'm scared of change and what new things will bring, the good and the bad. I haven't been able to make the first step. It's funny. I feel positive like everything will work out for me eventually but I haven't made the first move. My passion is writing. So I should be writing everyday. I don't. I want to be a food critique and I'm not sure how to do that. There's no school for that. Just classes. Very expensive classes that meet once a week. I'm getting there. Slowly but surely.